Swap Your Spare Tomato Seeds!
Have you got seeds you won’t use and would like to swap them for a variety you don’t have?
If you would like to do a swap, please put your first name and email in the comment box below, plus the seed varieties that you would like to swap.
It’s probably best to exchange full names and addresses by email rather than in the comment box.
Derek Richards
I am looking for the following varieties…Manapal and red Khaki can anyone help?
I am looking to swap some of my Marmande seeds for Latah.
I also have Gardeners Delight plus an Italian plum variety which was brought from Italy without a packet sorry about that .I’m looking for a yellow variety not hanging.
Hi, I have a yellow plum variety, I got it from an heirloom packet from Australia. I harvetsed seed last season and I’m currently planting those very seeds and they are doing well in the current sow along.Its an indeterminate type.
I’m interested in your Italian plum.
Uganda, East Africa
Tony email [email protected], I would like to swop Gardeners Delight or Red Cherry for Brandywine