In This Week’s Newsletter …

GreenhouseThe Benefits of Growing Tomatoes in a Greenhouse
The advantages are many – but I still like to grow outside too!
Grow Bag Pots
The best way to enhance the growing power of a grow bag.
Sow, Sow, Quick Quick, Sow – The time is here at last!


PolytunnelThe Benefits of Greenhouse Growing
Of course a polytunnel is very good too!

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Grow Bag PotsGrow Bag Pots
Getting big results from a small space.

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Mixed TomatoesSow Those Seeds Now!
At last, I can so as many seeds as I like!

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Join In The Discussion!
Do let me know if you have any ideas or would like to make a contribution in some way. Free seeds if you tell of your tomato growing experiences or have an interesting story to share – please email me here. Comments can also take place at Facebook or in the comments section below.