Tomato Club Newsletter – This Week…

  • Tumblers & Trailing Varieties
  • Talking Tomatoes – Two Colours On One Plant!
  • Seeds & Seedlings – Top Tips


Tumblers & Trailing Varieties
The idea of cherry tomatoes cascading over the sides of a hanging basket is a sight to behold…
read more…


Talking Tomatoes Two Colours One Plant!
In response to last week’s rootstock chatter, one newsletter reader has a brilliant idea!
read more…


Seeds & Seedlings – Tips for Success
A few tips to get those seeds and seedlings off to the best start.
read more …


This Week’s Quiz
The answers to this week’s quiz are general questions about tomato growing and not related to this week’s content.
[mtouchquiz 5] ______________________________________________________________

Join In The Discussion!
Do let me know if you have any ideas or would like to make a contribution in some way. Free seeds if you tell of your tomato growing experiences or have an interesting story to share – please email me here. Comments can take place at Facebook or in the comments section below.


7 Responses

  1. David Salt
    | Reply

    Hi Nick after looking at your newsletter I have bought some Tumbling Tom seeds and some Red Alert
    I have never had any success in the past growing tomatoes .When can I sow them as I cant wait to get going I haven,t got a greenhouse but have a conservatory

    • Nick
      | Reply

      Hi David,
      I suggest sowing a few seeds at the beginning of March and a few at the end of March. That way you’ll be covered if anything goes wrong with the first batch and the harvest will be spread out over a longer period.

  2. terry
    | Reply

    Hi Nick, I read the news letters on growing tomato with interest, please can you advise me as to where Chempak Calcium can be obtained from.
    Many Thanks from terry

    • Nick
      | Reply

      Hi Terry,
      It seems that most online stockists of the product are sold out. You might try a large garden centre but you won’t need to use it until the first flowers set fruit – gives you plenty of time!

  3. douglas
    | Reply

    Thanks for your reply Nick…..Ill give it a try,after all cats are pretty fussy anyway….I ll just keep an eye out.Marvelous site by the way.lots of tips ,certainly lots of issues I knew nothing of previously.Thanks again.

  4. douglas
    | Reply

    I was thinking of trying to grow Black Krim toms this year.However I read that Black Krim leaves are poisonous……is it advisable to grow them as I have a cat which gets his nose and paws into everything.Just how poisonous are the leaves?

    • Nick
      | Reply

      Hi Douglas,
      All varieties of tomato leaves are poisonous – as far as I know.
      How much your cat would need to eat before it did some damage I don’t know, but I’ve never heard of any animal being affected by eating leaves of tomato plants.

      PS Perhaps I should mention it in the newsletter that a tomato leaf salad is dangerous for your health!!!

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