In This Week’s Newsletter …
Holiday Watering Tips
The options for keeping your plants alive!
Feeding Tomatoes – Part Two
The second of many parts!
Help with Pollinating Flowers
Shake, tap, flick ‘n’ mist.
Holiday Watering Tips
Being away from home and your precious plants can be a worrying time!
Feeding Tomatoes – Part Two
The right food at the right time.
Pollinating Tomato Flowers
Ways to encourage the flowers to set
Have your say!
Do let me know if you have any ideas or would like to make a contribution in some way. Free seeds if you tell of your tomato growing experiences or have an interesting story to share – please email me here. Comments can also take place at Facebook or in the comments section below.
Diane Bostock
I ‘ve just seen some white fly on a tomato plant, Not much but, I paniced and gave it a squirt with multipurpose bug spray, Did I do right? should I discard the plant before it infects the others?
I have quite a few plants in the greenhouse, there doesn’t seem to be any damage to the plant at the moment, the plant is only about 12 ins, high so still a baby really and is jut begining to get flowers. HELP
Hi Diane,
It’s not a problem if you can keep them under control. I usually remove all white/greenfly by hand, as they appear.
There are a lot of products on the market for killing aphids – I’ll investigate and get back to you.
You may like to check out this:
alan pyper
i heard on radio to steep neetles down in a bucket of water and top it up . leave for 2wks and put liquid into containers then dilute 10 to 1 and use on tomato plants when fruit are formed. do u no if this is good for them and what do they get from it?
Hi Alan,
Check out this link as it should provide an answer to your question.
Nettle stew can be used as an organic plant booster and tonic, but does not contain enough of the nutrients needed for the fruiting stage of growing tomatoes. I think of it as a bit like liquid seaweed extract – but if you’ve made it yourself… a lot cheaper!
bill hadden
I am growing several types this year, Shirley, Red Alert, Gardeners Delight..
I had some Hildares seed from last year, and thought I would try it. Seems
to be OK, but something occured I have never seen before, all the hildares
plants grew, but one had no growing point, only leaves. Is this a common
failing with hildares ??
Hi Bill,
Hildares is a hybrid F1 and won’t reproduce true to its kind as an F2 -saved seed from F1 toms.
This may be the reason but I have experienced the same problem from open pollinated types too.
I put it down to a genetic abnormality which happens quite often!
Best wishes,