In This Week’s Newsletter …

Tomatoes On PatioSowing Planting and Picking Times
A time to sow and a time to reap!
Roots Need Air

A growing tip from hydroponics
In The Best Possible Taste

Tips for tastier toms – what’s your favourite tasting variety?


ThermometerTiming The Season
We are nearly at the “sow by” date

read more…


Roots Need Air
But don’t get enough when grown in soil – usually!

read more…


saving seedsWhat Makes a Tasty Tomato?
Are you a “total sweetie” or do you like a bit of balance in your tomatoes?

read more…


Have your say!
Do let me know if you have any ideas or would like to make a contribution in some way. Free seeds if you tell of your tomato growing experiences or have an interesting story to share – please email me here. Comments can also take place at Facebook or in the comments section below.


4 Responses

  1. ong sin ben
    | Reply

    I was planning to plant tomatoes and lettuces indoor using LED lights because I lived in an apartment. Is it possible? Can it be done? thank you very much.

  2. douglas
    | Reply

    just a question Nick ….I will be buying my tomato plants from garden centre this year and want to know how ,and should, I use fish blood and bone?Is it an alternative to Tomorite or other brand tomato feeds,or should it be used together with that..Im particularly wary of OVER feeding or feeding too early..i.e big plants ,big flowers -but no fruits .Id be obliged if you could advise me.
    kind regards

  3. Wilson Baskett
    | Reply

    Dear Nick.
    Just wanted some advice on how to grow the three different tomatoes I am growing.
    first one is gardeners delight, beef steak and last of all sweet olive tomatoes.

    I was hoping they would all be ok to grow outside in my raised veggie beds I made, also what sort of spacing they would need. Or would some of them fair better in containers and what size would be best for them.


    • Nick
      | Reply

      Dear Wilson,
      I would plant them 18 inches apart – if you have more than one row, plant each row about 30 inches apart.
      Black polythene over the soil can help improve growth and the plants can be planted through X shaped cuts in the polythene.
      I think they would do better in a raised bed than in containers.
      Best wishes,

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