The Square Tomato

I recently had an email from a fellow tomato grower – Ben who lives in Cyprus. The email is entitled The Square Tomato and is very interesting and amusing. So I asked if he would mind if I put it … Read More

Last Newsletter Of The Season

Another season comes to a close with mixed results.Some of us have had an excellent season, while those living in northerly parts got off to a poor start because of the weather and in some cases never fully recovered! Green TomatoesI’m … Read More

Tomato Wine

Earlier in the season I mentioned about making tomato wine. Having brewed quite a lot of wine years ago using kits, I have had a good look around the internet for a recipe that would be easy to make and … Read More

Why Tomatoes Split

Why Tomatoes Split and How To Avoid It Happening This is about the time of the season when ripe tomatoes begin to split. If the problem is severe, it’s possible to have an entire truss of tomatoes with split skins! … Read More

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