Tomato Recipes

A few recipes from newsletter readers … Tomato Ketchup Recipe Link: — Here’s a recipe for green tomato chutney, taken from my 1965 copy of “Adam the Gardener”. Those of us of a certain age will remember this Sunday … Read More

Tomato Tips July

As we approach the end of July, it’s a good time to take stock of what we can  realistically expect to be fully grown and ripe before the season draws to a close and the cold weather sets in. There … Read More

Containers for Tomatoes

This is a good time to start thinking about final position planting and containers for tomatoes to grow your plants to maturity. Here are a few options: Standard Pots Air Pots Fabric Pots Grow Bags (with or without grow pots) … Read More

Tomato Growing Equipment

For me, this is the most exciting time of the season. Tending the seedlings and making plans about the tomato growing equipment I’ll be using such as the pots, trays, watering and feeding methods to use. Some plants will be … Read More

Growing Organic Tomatoes

Growing organic tomatoes is becoming more popular each season. A brief look around the plant food or the compost area at any garden centre will show how the idea of organically grown vegetables appeals to gardeners. However, to be truly … Read More

Ways To Grow Tomatoes

Many Ways To Grow Tomatoes They say that if you ask ten tomato growers the same the question, you’ll get ten different answers! The truth is … there are many ways to grow tomatoes that achieve the same results. The … Read More

Container Sizes for Tomatoes

Best Container Sizes for TomatoesOne question I’m regularly asked is “are some container sizes for tomatoes better than others?” for planting tomatoes in their final position that is. The answer depends on a number of things including plant size, fruit … Read More

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