In This Week’s Newsletter …
A Tomato Growing Example
Taking a few tips from a good growing example.
Disease Control Products
Some interesting methods of prevention.
Growing Example & Tips
It’s good to have a look at other tomato gardeners progress.
Disease Products & Prevention
Some interesting ways to prevent disease.
Please leave a comment below if you would like to. If you are on Facebook, you can make a comment on tomato growing there also if you wish.
We are currently try to grow minibells they are standing at approximately 8″ tall (currently have 7 pots) but at the moment all we have is lots of foliage and no sign of flowers indicating fruit is immiment.
Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong and what to do to rectify the matter?
Many thanks.
Hi Graham,
You should be able to see some flower buds – hopefully about to open.
Sometimes tomato plants delay fruiting if they are receiving too much nitrogen – they stay in the leaf mode.
It may help to stop feeding them for a week or two (if you are feeding them) and wait for the flowers to open before you proceed with the tomato food.
thanks Nick for your reply. also can you tell me, should I be more sparing when watering and if so, should I let the soil dry out or just keep it damp rather than moist.
thank you
Hi Graham,
Watering tomato plants can be a bit of a balancing act – they need moist soil throughout their root zone but the roots also need air.
It is a bit like … a bit too wet in the morning after being watered, just moist in the afternoon and the air gets back into the soil in the evening!
Of course temperatures and the amount of leaves a plant has makes a difference too!
i lost all my tomatos all went black
Hi Kevin,
I’m sorry to hear that you’ve lost your tomato plants. With such a long period of poor weather that we had until recently, it’s not surprising that so many gardeners lost their crop.
I would go as far as to say that if growing outdoors, the only sure way to keep plants alive is to spray with an anti-fungicide.